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Skip Navigation Linksansi procedural revisions-check standards action: august 29, 2004 public comment deadline

Description 2
ExSC 6390
This proposed revision to the Operating Procedures of the ANSI Board of Standards Review (BSR) is intended to ensure consistency among the  procedures that govern the American National Standards process.  Please submit comments to [email protected] by the public review deadline.
7/26/2004 3:58 PM
ExSC 6403
These proposed revisions are intended to clarify the ANSI ExSC’s intent with regard to voting and the handling of comments in connection with identical national adoptions of ISO and/or IEC standards as American National Standards.  These sections are excerpted from the ANSI Procedures for the National Adoption of ISO and IEC Standards as American National Standards.  Please submit comments to [email protected] by the public review deadline.
7/26/2004 4:02 PM
Proposed procedural revisions to ANSI Auditing Policy and Procedures and the ANSI Essential Requirements
These proposed revisions include the revision of clause 3.3 of the ANSI Essential Requirements and the addition of clause 4.4  to the ANSI Auditing Policy and Procedures.  These revisions are consistent with the revisions made in 2004 to clause 3.3 Evidence of compliance of the ANSI Essential Requirements.  Please submit comments to [email protected] by the public review deadline.
7/30/2004 1:33 PM
ExSC 6401
This proposed revision to the ANSI Essential Requirements is intended to clarify that the PINS submitted to ANSI is required to provide the information requested in points (a) and (b) of clause 2.4.  Submittal of this information is not optional.  Please submit comments to [email protected] by the public review deadline.
7/26/2004 3:59 PM