From: Bridgette Dziedzic
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 1:53 PM
To: Bridgette Dziedzic
Subject: Call for SDO and Trade Association Profiles to be included on

FOR ACTION                                                                                                                IPC002-08


TO:                   Members of the ANSI Organizational Member Forum


CC:                   Members of the ANSI International Policy Committee and the

                        ANSI Regional Standing Committee – Asia-Pacific


FROM:              Bridgette Dziedzic, Program Administrator
                        International Policy – Regional and Bilateral Programs

SUBJECT:        Call for SDO and Trade Association Profiles to be included on


Dear Members:


In September 2006, ANSI partnered with the Standardization Administration of China (SAC), with support from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), to launch the U.S.-China Standards Portal (, an online resource designed to facilitate more open and efficient trade between the two nations in the area of standards, conformity assessment, and technical regulations.


ANSI is now working to enhance the information resources that reside on the Portal by publishing profiles of U.S.-based Standards Developing Organizations and Trade Associations that are actively pursuing engagement with their counterparts in China.  This resource will:



Sample profiles for Standards Developers and Trade Associations have been developed for your reference; a big thanks to IPC, IIAR, and AEM for their willingness to pioneer and support this initiative!


Organizations wishing to include a profile in the repository are encouraged to contact Ms. Amy Michel – ANSI Program Administrator ([email protected]; 202-331-3625) as soon as possible, but no later than April 1, 2008.   


An information reply form will be provided for data gathering and/or editing purposes.  All profiles received will be published to the Portal by the end of April 2008. 


ANSI welcomes feedback and suggestions as other information resources are updated and developed on the Standards Portal.  Anyone wishing to participate on a group to review and provide comments on these resource contents before they are finalized (and translated into Chinese) is invited to contact Amy Michel to be added to a distribution list. 


Thank you,


Bridgette Dziedzic
Program Administrator– International Policy – Regional and Bilateral Programs
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
1819 L St NW, 6th Floor
Washington, DC  20036
T: +1.202.331.3622
F: +
[email protected]