Citizen Preparedness

A resource to improve citizen, community and business preparedness for a disaster per the recommendation of the ANSI-HSSP Workshop on Citizen Preparedness. In the words of Tom Ridge, Secretary of Homeland Security, "We cannot protect the homeland if we do not protect the hometown; we cannot protect the hometown until we protect the home." 

Family and Home Preparedness

Three keys to preparing for an emergency:

  • Assemble an emergency supply kit
  • Develop a family communication plan
  • Learn about the types of emergencies you could face.

Learn more about how to ensure the safety of your family and home

Community Preparedness

Learn how to ensure the safety of your community

Business Preparedness

Learn about emergency preparedness and business continuity

School Preparedness

Resources for ensuring the safety of your school

Persons with Disabilities Preparedness

Resources to ensure the safety of persons living with a disability

Senior Citizen Preparedness

Resources to ensure the safety of senior citizens

Emergency Communications

Resources and instructions on communications in times of an emergency

Cyber Security

Resources to help ensure cyber security at home and work

Emergency Resources

Useful sources of information in times of an emergency 

Health Resources

Preparedness, response and follow-up resources to ensure public physical and mental health

General Resources

Learn about the activities of organizations and federal and state agencies involved in homeland security

Research on Citizen Preparedness

Review research on and analysis of citizen preparedness

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