The Internet Security Alliance (ISA) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), held Phase II Workshop IV of The Financial Impact of Cyber Risk- 50 Questions Every CFO Should Ask, a joint initiative to identify and respond to the current needs of the C-suite community regarding cyber risk. This event was the fourth and final in a series of workshops held earlier this year.

While Phase I focused on providing questions organizations/CFOs should be asking and provided guidance on the identification and quantification of the financial risk associated with cyber security, Phase II will focus on the developing an implementation strategy/process for the Phase I questions. Additionally, this initiative will focus on filling out that framework to make better informed decisions related to cyber risk from an economic standpoint. Participation is open to all stakeholders that represent standards developing organizations, consortia and other forums, industry, government and consumers. The final Workshop framework document from Phase I is available for your review at


More Information
For more information please contact Michelle Maas Deane ([email protected]; 212.642.4992) or Jessica Carl ([email protected]; 212.642.4903).