Workshop on Credentialing and Access Control for Disaster Management

The Hurricane Katrina aftermath report findings pointed to the failure of credentialing and access control at the incident site as a major issue.  In response to those findings, as well as building off of the previous work of the ANSI-HSSP Workshop on Lessons Learned from Katrina (see final report), the ANSI-HSSP has launched a new Workshop on Credentialing and Access Control for Disaster Management

This Workshop has helped bring the public and private sectors together to examine this important issue, as well as to support efforts implementing Section 408 of Public Law 110-53 (The Implementing the 9/11 Commission Recommendations Act of 2007).

Three meetings have been convened to date for this ANSI-HSSP Workshop (October 2007, January 2008 and July 2008). Over one hundred companies, organizations and agencies have supplied experts to these meetings.

An initial deliverable from this Workshop has been submitted to the NIMS Credentialing Standards Working Group for review. Anyone interested in being a part of this Workshop initiative should contact the ANSI-HSSP Secretary.