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Skip Navigation LinksANSI Procedural Revisions-Check Standards Action: November 21, 2005 Public Comment Deadline

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ExSC 6561
COMMENT DEADLINE: November 21, 2005.  This proposed revision to clause 2.3 Balance of the ANSI Essential Requirements:  Due process requirements for American National Standards is intended to clarify the requirements relative to interest categories and the relationship between interest categories, i.e., that the interest categories definitions must be a reliable, definitive and discreet. The proposal is not intended to limit the number of potential interest categories but to aid in the understanding of the requirements relative to American National Standards.   Please forward your comments to [email protected] by the comment deadline.
10/25/2005 12:14 PM
ExSC 6538
COMMENT DEADLINE: November 21, 2005.  This proposed revision to clauses 1.7 and 2.7 of the “ANSI Essential Requirements:  Due process requirements for American National Standards” is intended to clarify the ANSI Executive Standards Council’s (ExSC’s) expectations with regard to appeals fees.  It includes the reorganization of existing text and the introduction of new text.   Please submit your comments to [email protected] by the comment deadline.
10/14/2005 11:06 AM
ExSC 6562
COMMENT DEADLINE: November 21, 2005. During the last year, the ANSI Executive Standards Council (ExSC) has discussed the current requirements contained in the “ANSI Essential Requirements:  Due process requirements for American National Standards” with regard to consensus.  Previously ExSC 6449, which addressed this issue, was announced for public comment; however, upon further discussion the ExSC agreed that it did not achieve the clarification desired and so it was withdrawn.  The proposed revision below is intended to codify the requirement that ANSI-accredited standards developers include in their procedures how consensus will be determined with respect to a candidate American National Standard.  Please submit any comments on this proposal to [email protected] by the comment deadline.
10/14/2005 11:07 AM