| | Agenda, 2009 ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers | 2009 ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers agenda | | 10/6/2009 | 10/12/2009 4:40 PM |
| | Speaker Bios, 2009 ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers | | | 10/6/2009 | 10/14/2009 9:48 AM |
| | Dan Benigni, ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers | 2009 ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers, presentation by Dan Benigni representing NIST and INCITS | | 10/6/2009 | 10/12/2009 4:41 PM |
| | Lorraine Carli, ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers | 2009 ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers, presentation by Lorraine Carli of NFPA | | 10/6/2009 | 10/12/2009 4:43 PM |
| | David Karmol, ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers | 2009 ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers, presentation by David Karmol of ICC | | 10/6/2009 | 10/12/2009 4:48 PM |
| | Toby Considine, ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers | 2009 ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers, presentation by Toby Considine representing OASIS Technical Committee oBIX | | 10/6/2009 | 10/12/2009 4:44 PM |
| | Pete DeMarco, ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers | 2009 ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers, presentation by Pete DeMarco of IAPMO
| | 10/6/2009 | 10/12/2009 4:44 PM |
| | Mark Leary, ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers | 2009 ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers, presentation by Mark Leary of Northrop Grumman | | 10/6/2009 | 10/12/2009 4:50 PM |
| | Troy Leach, ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers | 2009 ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers, presentation by Troy Leach of PCI SSC | | 10/6/2009 | 10/12/2009 4:49 PM |
| | Mark Ryland, ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers | 2009 ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers, presentation by Mark Ryland of Microsoft | | 10/6/2009 | 10/12/2009 4:51 PM |
| | Jeffrey Stone, ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers | 2009 ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers, presentation by Jeffrey Stone representing ASTM International Committee E60 | | 10/6/2009 | 10/12/2009 4:39 PM |
| | Ed Steinberg, ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers | 2009 ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers, presentation by Ed Steinberg of LinkedIn | | 10/6/2009 | 10/12/2009 4:52 PM |
| | Claire Ramspeck, ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers | 2009 ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers, presentation by Claire Ramspeck of ASHRAE | | 10/6/2009 | 10/12/2009 4:51 PM |
| | Henry Green, ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers | 2009 ANSI Open Forum for Standards Developers, presentation by Henry Green of NIBS | | | 10/12/2009 4:45 PM |